Submission of a file for the organization of a thematic school for May 2015 “WHAT ROLE FOR EPIGENETICS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION? "(Eco-Evo-Epigen).
June 2013
Workshop “ How can we redefine inheritance beyond the gene-centered approach? ”
October 2 & 3, 2014, Paris
40 participants
Participation in the show "La Tête au Carré" by Mathieu Vidard on FranceInter
October 1, 2014, Paris
available as Podcast
Participation in the CNRS Forum "Les Fondamentales"
October 11, 2014, Grenoble
to listen on Wikiradio of the CNRS
December 9 to 12, 2014, Lille
A discussion will take place, "round table" format, organized by GDR Quantitative Genetics in Natural Populations and the "non-genetic heredity" thematic group of SFE in close collaboration with RTP3